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And just like that Beyonce has released another album with visuals to all songs, but yet again Beyonce has broken the Internet. As viewers tuned in to stunning visuals and new music from Queen Bey, it became clear that it was more than a short film but it was her new album. The full album is out on TIDAL, but rumour has it that it may soon be released on iTunes.

According to Tidal, Lemonade "is a conceptual project based on every woman’s journey of self-knowledge and healing." The title is likely a reference to the old adage "when life gives you lemons, make lemonade."

You can listen to the full album on Tidal. Tidal members get exclusive first access to the visual album, and can also stream it offline. However,  non-members can easily sign up for a one-month trial to experience it. It will also be selling a version to download for $17.99//£12.45.

But it's all good for the people who don't want to do this because Lemonade will also launch for sale on iTunes at midnight on today. And you can expect to be able to download or buy actual copies of the album on Amazon soon, too!!

Plus Jay Z got it good from Beyonce. Beyonce exploited Jay Z, for what it sounds like he cheated on her! What! Jay Z cheated on Beyonce!! As a result of that Jay Z got a lot of back flash from the BeyHive on Twitter. Plus a woman committed suicide after hearing that Jay Z cheated on her.

There are 12 tracks. Here's the full list:

Pray You Catch Me
Hold Up
Don't Hurt Yourself (featuring Jack White)
6 Inch (featuring the Weeknd)
Daddy Lessons
Love Drought
Forward (featuring James Blake)
Freedom (featuring Kendrick Lamar)
All Night

Here's the Lemonade Trailer;

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