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Post Malone grabs Justin Bieber by the throat

It looks like Justin got the bad side of rapper Post Malone. Justin Bieber and Post Malone got into it at a club in Houston, Texas last week. But what happened in the club surfaced on Twitter yesterday. 

The singer ashed a cigarette on Post Malone's arm while he was performing. It all seemed like it was fine after that, until Malone got Justin by the throat, placing him in a choke hold.

The photo that is circulating showcasing Malone with his hands around Bieber's neck hasn’t been confirmed to be from the same night, but still looks like something pretty serious went down.

Malone cleared it up on Twitter this afternoon saying that the two were just “rough housing.”

To make settle things even more, the two got together and decided to mess about and be humorous about this situation. Check out this picture they took yesterday.

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