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Jaden Smith 'dressed up in a space suit' for Interstellar screening!

Out out this world: Jaden Smith reportedly made himself the centre of attention while attending an opening weekend showing of Interstellar in Los Angeles

The 16-year old actor and rapper Jaden Smith was reportedly the centre of attention whilst attending an opening weekend showing of Interstellar in Los Angeles. A source told The Hollywood Reporter that the budding fashion designer and action star arrived to the theatre wearing an authentic-looking space suit. 

Plus, according to THR, Jaden Smith also shouted during the initial credits "That's my man, Nolan!" whilst seated at an upper row at the Universal CityWalk. 

It has been said that this recent behaviour Jaden Smith has been displaying became more frequent after he and his sister Willow had a few interesting interviews. The 14 year old singer and actress Willow and  her brother Jaden sat down recently with T Magazine to discuss Prana energy which is also known as meditation, school being overrated and how Willow possesses the ability to control time. Strange, right?

But wait there's more, both Jaden and Willow also rant about how 'life is meditation' and how babies 'remember' when they are born. 

At the start, the two reveal in the interview that Willow is currently reading 'quantum physics' while Jaden reveals he is glossing over an 'ancient text' called The Ancient Secret of the Flower Life [that] can’t be pre-dated'.  Later on Jaden then took aim at Driver's Ed, suggesting that the amount of car accidents that happen prove school isn't working.

Err is it just me or does this seem pretty strange? Last time I checked I thought Jaden was supposed to be cool and funny and...attractive. Where has that all gone? What I've been hearing and seeing recently doesn't seem like the Jaden and Willow I used to see and hear about. Has the charm gone from the Smith family? Is it only Will Smith that's the funny, cool and awesome Smith?

What do you think of this?

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