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Kim Kardashian's New Game

Kim Kardashian's new app Kim Kardashian: Hollywood and also known as Playing the Fame Game. The app is basically showing you how to jump from being a 'low grade' person to an A-list. There would be a variety of challenges in this game. 

Kim's app is worth $200 million but she'll be getting $85 million in return. I would absolutely love my life if I had that kind of money, even just getting £1 million pounds. What would you do if you had £85 or $85? 

Kim would still be getting money when you play this game, she's set this app to be FREE but when you start building up your character, buying the shoes and clothes and all the other expensive stuff in that game. She'll be receiving some kind of cash out of that because your bill will be piling up and result into something and BOOM she got more money.

But someone download this app and check it out and please get back to me on how it is etc.

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