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Raven-Symone opens up with Oprah

Raven-Symone 3

On Monday 6th October Raven appeared on Ophrah's show 'Where are they now?'. Raven spoke about her sexuality and background. 
When Oprah brought out the main question "Are you gay?". And everyone knows when Oprah asks you a question you can't lie!
Raven the confirmed that she's in a relationship with a woman, with America's Top MOdel contestant AzMarie Livingston. In addition Raven mentioned that she knew "who she was" when she was just 12 years old.
Here's a bit from the interview:
I’m in an amazing relationship with my partner — a woman — and on the other side, my mother, and people in my family have taught me to keep my personal life to myself as much as possible so I try my best to hold the fence where I can. But I am proud to be who I am and what I am.
Watch the whole interview below:

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