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Nicki Minaj has reportedly destroyed ex's car with a baseball bat

Nicki Minaj and her now ex-fiancé SB have split! 

Apparently it has been three years since the 911 phone calls to the police were leaked from the hotel employee who alleged that Nicki got hit in the face by her boyfriend. This then has been rumoured that there was later on another violent argument between both of them past summer. 

According to TMZ, Nicki Minaj and her used to be boyfriend got into a heated discussion that took a spin very quickly, causing Nicki Minaj to grab a baseball bat chase him out of the house. That didn't stop Nicki, the rapper then reportedly moved on to the 2012 Mercedes-Benz car that she loaned him and pulverized the vehicle. Afterwards, threw his clothes in a bin close by.

The police were called but there were no charges filed since the car belonged to Nicki Minaj, however, SB was escorted out.

Now the couple are no longer together, plus, it has been noted that SB has covered up his huge Nicki Minaj tattoos.

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