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Ayesha Curry's new cooking gig

It looks life wife to Golden State Warrior Steph Curry is making bigger movements with her cooking skills. And possibly joining other celebrity chefs.

In the past couple of years, Ayesha Curry has gone from being known as Stephen Curry's wife to the adorable Riley Curry's mum to a star in her own right. Now, the NBA champion's better half is cashing in on her moment with a dope new gig. 

On Thursday Food Network announced that Ayesha will join their troop of celebrity chefs with her own new cooking show. The series, tentatively titled At Home With Ayesha, doesn't have a premiere date yet. How exciting, I must say I am a fan of the couple and adore their family.

Plus Ayesha's cooking skills are also on her YouTube channel, that's not it she even has a cookbook due out in the next few months. The cooking show seems like the perfect extension of her brand. 

What would melt hearts even more is if we get to see daughters Riley and Ryan a few times.

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