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James Corden recreates LEMONADE

Since Saturday, I can say that we've all been loving and obsessing over Beyonce's new album Lemonade. From listening to the lyrics and analysing them thinking that she's talking about her marriage with Jay Z, and debating just who is "Becky with the good hair?" 

We are not alone! James Corden is a fan of Beyonce's work as he shared a hilarious parody of the visual album.

His parody is called Lemonjames. He aired this on the Late Late Show last night in lieu of his regular monologue. 

Plus he went and revealed his recipe for lemonade:
"two pints of water, eight juicy ass lemons, one cup of sugar, another cup of sugar. You know what? Another cup of sugar...actually this is too much work. Can someone just go out and get me a lemonade?"

Take a look for yourselves.

I wonder if Beyonce would respond back? What do you think?

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