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Eve and Gwen Stefani together again!

There might be an Eve and Gwen Stefani reunion. 

Eve recruited Gwen Stefani back in 2001 for her hit single “Let Me Blow Ya Mind” and then Eve featured on Gwens track "If I was a rich girl".

Now 15 years later, the two will reunite once more, this time as part of a 27-city tour.

As announced yesterday via Stefani’s social media pages, a tour has been put together in support of the singer’s new solo album, This Is What the Truth Feels Like, with Eve slated as the special guest.

Very exciting reunion, was a fan of the two making music together. The tour will kick off on July 12 in Massachusetts and conclude on October 15 in California.

Don't forget to catch Eve in her new movie Barbershop 3, and also check out Gwen Stefani's new song 'Make me like you'.

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