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Rihanna's new sock line

Rihanna has truly just been doing work, work, work, work, work, work. First her ANTI album, then her fenty collection, to her tour, then her music video releases, her makeup collection and now her socks collection. 

Will Rihanna be slowing down anytime soon? I don't think so.

Rihanna's fashion game is on point! She has designed a line of high-end socks to make sure that what goes underneath those custom Manolos are as chic as the shoes themselves.

I'm in love with her new shoe collection and her Fenty Slides. Might buy a pair. They are $80 which are around £55. 

Now she's partnering with Stance, this would be RiRi's third collection of socks goes live today. The line is sexy, flirty, edgy and very Rihanna.

Take a look at some of the looks below -

What do you think of these socks? Would you be buying a pair?

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