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Emma Watson wants time off?

Actress Emma Watson is taking a year off from acting to focus on feminism. 

Emma Watson also has a cool feminist book club, which supports other women in the industry against haters, and sticks up for what she believes in. Emma Watson has been making movements and has turned heads. As she's been growing and becoming more vocal for women and what she believes in people have now seen that she has a true passion not just for acting but for promoting gender equality through the UN's HeForShe movement.

Furthermore, she recently revealed in an interview with Paper magazine that she's taking a year off from acting to further her education.

Here's what she told author, feminist, and social activist bell hooks in her interview:

I'm taking a year away from acting to focus on two things, really. My own personal development is one. I know that you read a book a day. My own personal task is to read a book a week, and also to read a book a month as part of my book club. I'm doing a huge amount of reading and study just on my own. I almost thought about going and doing a year of gender studies, then I realized that I was learning so much by being on the ground and just speaking with people and doing my reading. That I was learning so much on my own. I actually wanted to keep on the path that I'm on. I'm reading a lot this year, and I want to do a lot of listening.

Good on you Emma, girl power all the way!

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