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Glamour Magazine 100 sexiest man 2016

Glamour magazine have released their 100 list of the world's sexiest men 2016. To see the full list check:

What are your opinions on the list? Do you have someone in mind that should be there?...I know I do! Where's Michael B Jordan or Nick Jonas!1

Last years winner was the actor Jamie Doran, who's known for playing Christian Grey in Fifty Shades of Grey. He has been knocked of by Aidan Turner. Aidan Turner won the Greatest TV Moment of 2015. This was due to his shirtless scything.

Looking at the list I don't entirely agree. For instance, they've ranked Channing Tatum as 64, no no no that's not correct, he should be higher. Likewise, they have ranked Liam Hemsworth as 37. Now Liam has had a good year and is looking very good, but I do think he deserves to be slightly higher than 37. However, I do agree with some rankings. For example, Idris Elba as 19 and the fact that Chris Evans is ranked 34.
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